Don’t Know What to Gift a Newborn? We Have 6 Ideas for You!

baby shower gifts
baby shower gifts

Have you ever wondered what to get a newborn? I recently arranged a present basket for my new niece – she is just adorable. I knew right away it had to be something to grab and chew on made of natural materials. Luckily I found the perfect teether from Oli & Carol in the shape of a Hawaiian flower – my sister just loves Hawai and associates good memories with a vacation she spent there:

Oli and Carol - Chewy to go
Gift idea: mini teether from Oli & Carol

I complete this sweet flower-teether with a bath toy – a duck, both toys are made of 100% natural rubber. And of course, something personal – I used my semi-hobby sewing skills and got creative: The result was a small pillow in the shape of a heart and fabric balloons filled with fluffy bamboo fiber.

Here are 5 ideas for your present basket:

  • As a box: Use something that you already have, you don’t have to spend extra money on it. For example, a small basket or cardboard box decorated with wrapping paper or fabric.
  • Choose something useful for the baby – such as: teethers.
  • Add something personal: Do you have a hobby skill? Can you knit, sew or do crafts?
  • Books are a classic and always welcome!
  • Put baby clothes inside, but only if you know they need them.
  • Toys – preferable made of natural materials such as wood or natural rubber:

Think about the parents and their newborns: Put thought into choosing the perfect gift. You would rather gift something meaningful and useful instead of buying just something meaningless in a store.

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